Passwords & Landing Pages


Password rules:

Your Client Services team can help you customize a password hint to help your learners.

Special Characters in Login IDs and Passwords

When creating login IDs and passwords, the apostrophe (') is not allowed.

When creating login IDs and passwords, the following special characters are allowed:

!  exclamation point

"  double quote

#  number sign

$  dollar sign

%  percent sign

&  ampersand

(  left parenthesis

)  right parenthesis

*  asterisk

+  plus sign

,  comma

-  hyphen

.  period/decimal point

/  forward slash

:  colon

;  semicolon

<  less than sign

=  equal sign

>  greater than sign

?  question mark

@  at sign

[  left bracket

\  backward slash

]  right bracket

^  caret

_  underscore

`  accent grave

{  left curly bracket

}  right curly bracket

~  tilde


Landing Pages

The landing page you see upon login depends on your role: