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  1. Manage Permissions Page Layout
  2. Location Level View
  3. User View


Manage Permissions

The Crunchtime TalentLink Manage Permissions page allows you to customize permissions for individuals in your campus.

Manage Permissions Page Layout

The default display for the permissions page is the Location Level View at the highest level of the user looking at permissions.

  1. The location you are working at, it can be the whole campus, a whole sub-campus, a group within a campus or sub-campus, or a specific location

  2. Search tool to change the location

  3. Search tool to select a learner and switch to a User View focusing on that learner (if the learner is already shown in #8 below, just click on the name)

  4. Add a learner to this location view

  5. The view you are seeing

  6. The default permissions for your roles (collapsible) - contact Client Services if these need to be updated

  7. The focus learner or location, depending on your view

  8. Learner or location details, depending on your view

  9. The permissions that can be granted

  10. The permission action grid, click to add or remove permission

  • A full circle in the grid shows that the permission is granted and this is the highest level at which it is granted.

  • A lock icon in the grid shows that the permission is granted but it was granted at a higher level in the hierarchy. To see the highest location at which a permission is granted, follow the locks up in the grid until you hit the full circle.

  • A grey square indicates the permission cannot be granted at that location. Manage Content, Notifications, and Manage Hierarchy permissions can only be granted at the campus or sub-campus levels, never at a specific location.



Location Level View

The learners shown in the Location Level View are those who have permissions at this location.

At the Location Level View, you can:

User View

The User View of the permissions page is always focused on a specific learner.

At the User View, you can: