In this Topic HideIn this Topic Show
  1. Overview
  2. Auto-Assign Fundamentals
    1. How to Auto-Assign to Existing Users but Not to New Users
    2. How to Auto-Assign to All Skill Positions
  3. Assignments Pending Indicators


Auto-Assigning Learning Programs


Auto Assign is an option on the Learning Program Builder that allows you to choose skill positions for which a learning program will be automatically assigned.

When you create a new learning program and auto-assign it, the assignment goes not only to new learners with those skill positions, but also to existing learners with those skill positions.

Auto-Assign Fundamentals



Add Auto-Assign to a new or existing learning program
  • All learners with the selected skill positions will receive an assignment for the learning program

  • Any new learners added with that skill position or existing learners who are changed to that skill position will receive that assignment

Remove Auto-Assign completely from an existing Learning Program (remove all the skill positions in the Auto-Assign dropdown)
  • Learners retain their assignments (because the assignment was made based on the rule in place at that time, and we cannot assume that was not intentional)

Add a skill position to an existing auto-assigned learning program
  • All learners with the added skill position will receive an assignment for the learning program

  • Any new learners with that skill position or existing learners who are changed to that skill position will receive that assignment

  • There is no impact to learners with other skill positions

Remove a skill position from an existing auto-assignment
  • Learners with the skill position that is removed retain their assignment (because the assignment was made based on the rule in place at that time, and we cannot assume that was not intentional)

  • Any new learners with that skill position or existing learners who are changed to that skill position will not receive that assignment

  • There is no impact to learners with other skill positions

How to Auto-Assign to Existing Users but Not to New Users

  1. Create the learning program, set the auto-assign for the desired skill positions

  2. Let the learning program make the assignments

  3. After the assignments have been fully made, go back into the learning program builder and remove the skill positions from the auto-assign, save your change

Existing users will retain the assignment they received but new users who come in through HRIS or who are manually added will not get the assignment.

How to Auto-Assign to All Skill Positions

  1. Create the learning program

  2. In the Auto-Assign dropdown, click Select All

  3. Save

Note: A learner without a skill position will not be assigned a learning program that is auto-assigned to all skill positions.

Assignments Pending Indicators




Related Topics

  1. Add or Change a Learning Program
  2. Changing Assigned Learning Programs
  3. Changing Assigned Learning Programs FAQs
  4. Learning Program Fundamentals